Commercial bank of development of special construction "SPECSTROYBANK"
109004, Aleksandra Solgenitsyna St., 12-4, Moscow, Russia
Phone / fax : 7 (495) 755-5666
Equivalent SWIFT/BIC Code: SPET RU M1
Commercial bank of development of special construction "Specstroybank" is based in 1989 (Bank of Russia licence N236) and is one of oldest banks of Russia.
Today "Specstroybank" is a steady credit institution in Moscow, has the licences for the right of undertaking of the main banking operations in roubles and foreign exchange. The strict holding of the economical standards established by a central Bank of Russia, realization of cautious credit policy allows our bank permanently to consolidate the financial condition.
"Specstroybank" is included in a rating 100 largest banks of Russia (on the size of an ownership capital - TOP 100).
Our universal business bank grants practically all kinds of bank services and maintains firms of any legal form, and also natural persons.
The credit policy of "Specstroybank" is directed on a maximum repletion of clients wants and decrease of the credit risk.
The bank conducts balanced policy of the interest rates. The bets under the credits are differentiated depending on maintenance, level of risk, payback and efficiency of credited measure, terms of use by the credit, cost of gained credit resources.
2014-2015 years the bank puts before itself following primary goals:
Creation of an attractive system of the deposits for the private persons and corporate clients;
Targeted recess of working contacts with clients of bank, spread spectrum of tendered services;
Increase of the capital of bank.